Helping you on your personal and profesional journey. How to discover your full potential following your intuition.Gain back confidence, freeom and be continously present with experience.BRING BALANCE AND BOOST YOUR ENERGY
Living with less gives you more freedom. Not only does it free up time, money, and resources that would have been spent, but it also allows you to feel freer.
Use your unique creativity to develop new ideas and solutions to problems and focus your mind on visualizing and creating first, evaluate your opportunities and take actions next. Listen to your own Intuition and find the right destination.
Time is our most precious commodity. Invest it wisely. Use time in your favor to benefit your health, wellness, happiness and wealth. The more successful you are, the more in demand your time is. I learned that to accomplish what you want out of life; you must take care of yourself first. Barbara Corcoran “Shark Tank”

Donika Gunther, was born in the ex-communist country of Albania and grew up with five siblings and two wonderful parents. Now living in the United States, she is the proud mother of one daughter. For as far back as she can remember, Donika has had a lifelong desire to help others and assist them in leading happy, successful, worry-free lives. She has a degree in biology and chemistry and has worked as a teacher for past 30 years, and as a mentor, motivational and international speaker for the last thirteen years. After discovering the power that meditation, yoga and mindfulness have for improving health and wellness, Donika decided to take her 13 years of experience in these studies and turn them into a career because she is passionate about!
Mindfulness with a Purpose was created in part due to Donika’s aspirations of making positive change in the lives of children, by providing higher education, confidence and self-worth.
The organization was also formed to bring awareness of mental issues, self-care, and emotional, social and financial freedoms to the forefront for men and women and help them recognize that these are the key factors for ease and contentment in life.
Targeted towards men, women and children who are seeking growth and transformation in their lives, Mindfulness with Purpose fosters personal and professional advancement that allows individuals to gain a solid balance in their lives by arming them with an authentic ‘mindfulness kit’ filled with valuable tools, skills and expertise to draw from.
Life Coaching for Healing, Health and Wellbeing It is very important to maintain a healthy balance between our Social well-being- Emotional well-being- Psychological well-being and Spiritual well-being and to create new habits, new patterns new growth mindset.
Discover personal strengths, areas of needs, and create an action plan to achieve personal and professional goals. Learn and practice stretches, techniques and practices for enhancing leadership potential skills, authenticity, and a leader mindset. Increasing mindfulness awareness, being fully aware and tuned in what is going on right now and being present in the moment.
- Helping parents to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
- Helping parents and children to build their confidence and skills to overcome challenges and difficulties in everyday lives.
Guiding parents how to help their children manage academic pressures, social issues and how deal with problems that arise in our lives.
- Helping parents to re-establishing positive family relationships and developing solution-focused thinking skills.
- Helping parents and children to develop resilience, patience and a positive mindset.
- Teaching parents and children how to unleash their creative power and create a more joyful and fulfilling life.
- Providing mindfulness tools strategies and skills to support the whole family.


Dr. Janet Rose
Leadership Mentor, Author, and Motivational Speaker
“Donika is a true inspiration! Her ability to reach and teach everyone is a true gift. Her message gives you what you need to be a better person, to love yourself and to appreciate the goodness in others! Everyone should know and learn from Donika. ”

Heidi Parr Kerner
Founder of the Coffee Club Divas Speaker, Business Consultant and Women Making History 2019 recipient
“Donika is filled with high energy and has an intuitive sense when it comes to women in what they need to feel better about themselves and their confidence from the inside out. She specializes as a coach and speaker in confidence and mindfulness. To work with Donika is life-changing and I highly recommend taking her workshops, working with her one on one or having her as a speaker for one of your events! ”

Bridget Allen
Bridget from Yoga by Bridget
“I have recently come into the presence of the exquisite and fierce woman Donika Gunther. At first impression, she leads a room with confidence and unwavering kindness and compassion but it goes deeper than that when you truly get to know her just as she is.... a beautiful human being that wants nothing but to do what she’s does absolutely perfect.... being herself. Being a yoga teacher and constantly in the belly of "self-help" I have had enough of the "self-love" talk and "that what doesn't serve you"...Donika provides REAL advice for REAL women that want change. She makes you question yourself and doesn't pretend to know all the answers. She is a breath of fresh air and a reminder to be humble, kind, and persistent in the pursuit of whatever your heart is screaming for. I love her. ”

Kamini Kandhai
Teacher-Certified Coach-Speaker-Author Mum Of 3. Inspiring Effective Parenting
“Donika speaks with passion. Her teachings are experiential combined with facts. I become aware that I was struggling with my self-worth. With the support of Donika I was able to identify the root causes. She is patient and nurturing. There were many days during our sessions that I was so overwhelmed with my issues. She did not make me feel like a victim nor let me wallow in my mini me story. She is firm, fair and compassionate. After implementing the strategies, I began to see my true self. As a mum of three, wife and entrepreneur I now work from a place of secure understanding of who I am. I have clarity and confidence in myself. Her enthusiasm is so welcoming. Thank you for being the steppingstone to my awakening. Kamini Kandhai Teacher-Certified Coach-Speaker-Author Mum Of 3. Inspiring Effective Parenting ”